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a sonic journey capturing the live gig with Baroque-pop mischief
Doppeldanger Front Cover Voltaire

The debut album from Baroque-pop London-based duo She Goat.
Born out of the experimental theatre gig of the same name, DoppelDänger.

Here’s what The Wire said about that gig, Dec 2015:
‘like Björk’s dissonant combinations of simple vocal melodies laid out with humour over complex sonic productions.’

DoppelDänger is a concept album of dangerous doubling and being doppelgängers.

This recording captures the live performance.


releases December 11, 2020

All songs written and performed by She Goat (Shamira Turner and Eugénie Pastor).

Shamira Turner: autoharp, Yamaha PortaSound, vocals, electronic instruments.
Eugénie Pastor: electric bass, tenor recorder, Yamaha PortaSound, vocals, electronic instruments.

Recorded at Camden People’s Theatre and Battersea Arts Centre,
London 2018.
Engineered, mixed and produced by Enrico Aurigemma 2020.

Photo artwork by James Allan.

She Goat’s creative developments have been supported by Camden People’s Theatre, Battersea Arts Centre, and public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

All rights reserved. (c) She Goat.

Two dudes in yellow mullet wigs, each at a microphone with a foam cover: yellow on the left, blue on the right. The yellow-mic dude looks upwards with a wrinkled brow. The blue-mic dude speaks into the mic with eyes tight shut.

“Howled with laughter, gasped at their musical dexterity” @DJstewartwho

She Goat website © 2019 She Goat (Shamira Turner + Eugénie Pastor) and respective copyright holders

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